Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) is a federation of 34 independent, community based health insurance companies. Each of these operates independently including BCBS of Massachusetts. They are licensed to use the BCBS trademark but are allowed to customize the health insurance products and services to meet the community’s specific needs.
BCBS of Massachusetts provides services to Massachusetts residents and must operate under state and federal regulations and market conditions. This can lead to differences in policy options, pricing, and services when you compare them to BCBS insurance plans in other states.
Does Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Cover Drug Rehab?
Most health insurance policies offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts provide some level of coverage for drug rehab. Two federal laws mandate this coverage for most insurance plans.
The first is the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. This federal law prevents group health plans and health insurance providers from offering benefits for substance use disorders that are less favorable than those they offer for medical and surgical benefits.
The second law is the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which mandates that most health insurance providers offer mental and behavioral health services as an essential health benefit. This must cover substance use disorder and mental health treatment.
However, there are exceptions to the laws, so be sure to get the details of your plan before you start rehab. Also take time to work with your doctor to create a treatment plan so that you can prove what’s medically necessary in your case.