Brick House Recovery

Boise, Idaho

3663 N. Lakeharbor Ln
Boise, ID 83703

(208) 650-7359
4.9 (437 reviews)

About Brick House Recovery

Brick House Recovery, located in Boise, Idaho is a private alcohol and drug rehab that offers treatment for a variety of substance abuse addictions including alcoholism, co-occurring mental health disorders, and opiate addiction. They offer flexible outpatient addiction therapy allowing patients to live at home while receiving regular treatment. Additional levels of care offered include 12-step therapy.

Specialty rehab programs at Brick House Recovery include tailored care focusing on women's specific needs and experiences and gender-specific addiction treatment addressing unique challenges faced by men.

Brick House Recovery has received accreditations from LegitScript.

Dollar icon Insurance & Financials

  • id-card iconPrivate insurance
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • shield-quartered iconMedicaid
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

car-building iconOutpatient

Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.

book-medical icon12-Step

Many recovery centers base their treatment models on 12 step programming, which emphasizes spiritual development and peer coaching. 12 step recovery is designed to help participants address the root causes of their addiction, take accountability for their choices, and let go of that over which they are powerless. Though these programs prioritize spiritual growth, religious affiliation isn't required. Participants regularly attend anonymous, free, peer-directed meetings and are mentored by a peer sponsor.

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

The goal of treatment for alcoholism is abstinence. Those with poor social support, poor motivation, or psychiatric disorders tend to relapse within a few years of treatment. For these people, success is measured by longer periods of abstinence, reduced use of alcohol, better health, and improved social functioning. Recovery and Maintenance are usually based on 12 step programs and AA meetings.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

Drug rehab in Idaho provides treatment for addiction to drugs. It usually includes a combination of treatment methods that can involve counseling, medication, and a variety of evidence-based therapies. Programs are designed to help individuals manage their substance use disorder long-term.

head-side-medical iconDual Diagnosis

Many of those suffering from addiction also suffer from mental or emotional illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety disorders. Rehab and other substance abuse facilities treating those with a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder administer psychiatric treatment to address the person's mental health issue in addition to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

file-medical iconSubstance Abuse

Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Family Therapy

Research clearly demonstrates that recovery is far more successful and sustainable when loved ones like family members participate in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic factors may be at play when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. Family dynamics often play a critical role in addiction triggers, and if properly educated, family members can be a strong source of support when it comes to rehabilitation.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Check icon Accreditations

LegitScript Certified

LegitScript has reviewed Brick House Recovery as part of their certification program, and has determined that it meets the LegitScript standards for legality, safety and transparency.

LegitScript verified in July 2020

Phone icon Contact

Phone icon (208) 650-7359
Building icon

3663 N. Lakeharbor Ln
Boise, ID 83703

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Fact checked and written by:
Miakayla Leaverson, BS
Edited by:
Quentin Blount


4.9 (437 reviews)
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Google Rating

4.9 (437 reviews)
Miah Ansley
1 month ago

I started going to Brickhouse a few weeks ago. I made the call 20 minutes after I got out of jail in tears and was utterly hopeless. I got my assessment done and Tierney helped me get in the program very quickly. I have learned so much about myself and just hit my 60 days of sobriety. The coaches and counselors here are amazing and I am forever grateful for what I ve learned and will continue to learn. I never thought sobriety was a possibility for me. Thank you so much you guys

Response from the owner1 month ago
Miah, thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We are so happy to hear about your positive experience. You are such an amazing woman and can't wait to see how far you go with your life. We are so blessed that you have come to BHR and joined our family
Questionable Toast
1 month ago

Elaine Gil
1 month ago

I came to Brickhouse scared and hopeless I didn t know what I was doing or going with my life . Brickhouse saved my life and I am so grateful for the staff . Each and every one of them truly care about everyone that walks their doors . The taught me how to love myself , live sober and my life is no longer unmanageable. If you are looking to better yourself and your life this is the place to be .

Response from the owner1 month ago
Elaine, you are such a amazing woman, you are capable of anything. We are so blessed to have been a part of your journey and support you in your life.
Vickie Canzoneri-Rael
1 month ago

For the people reading this, thank you. I don t have enough words of gratitude to share here about this fabulous program and each & every staff member as well as Jason the owner. My experience has been stellar. In my 7 weeks so far, we are like family, coming to a safe place like BH to deal with addiction & trauma, (dual diagnosis) is exactly what I needed, I knew that s what I needed, but finding a place that deals with both is almost impossible. There s another layer I can t do without, this recovery center is also faith based. God made a way, actually he gave me a miracle by putting in place the resources I needed for such a time as this. I am forever grateful, BH is forever family.

Response from the owner2 months ago
Vickie, we are so proud of you sister. You have come so far and we cant wait to see what the future holds for you. You can do anything you put your mind too. Thank you for leaving this review it means more to us than you know.�
Jason Simons
1 month ago

Brick House is amazing. I cannot express how much they have helped me in my recovery. They did not just help me with my alcoholism. They helped me manage all aspects of my life. The staff at Brick House has gone through addiction themselves and show you the steps to live a happy/sober life. They truly care about all of their clients and meet you where you are at in life. I highly recommend this program!

Response from the owner1 month ago
Jason thank you for taking the time out to leave these kind words. You are such a amazing person, and we are so proud of you, and can't wait to see where else your life takes you.�
Keith Wickes
1 month ago

Wouldn t even give it 1 star. I was a patient of Brickhouse twice. The first time was great and the staff was great. But I slipped and decided to go back and it was like a completely different place. The coaches who taught the classes came in with no plan and were winging it most of the time. The remaining counselors and coaches that were there my first time around were still great and the only thing that kept me hanging in there with the program. But a counselor shamed a patient who trying to share their struggle and was seriously struggling in front of the whole class. The whole class was pissed at the counselor. She was condescending and arrogant most of the time. Well that patient OD d a few days later and while they chose to use, they were trying and the help from Brickhouse was just non existent. No communication between coaches, no clear plan of running classes, recycling the same activities and relying on videos to do the job for them. YouTube would ve been more helpful. The money they made off me and my fianc� who they just completely screwed over by not doing their job. I needed information from them and tried for weeks to get it for a legal matter that is completely not true and the administrator that I dealt with couldn t even figure out how to get it to me and I kept trying and trying to get it only to be told that they couldn t give it to me even though I had power of attorney for the person and had requested the ROI form they said they needed multiple times. They told me power of attorney would be enough and then another administrator said it wasn t and time ran out and it affects the case devastatingly. They seem to be only focused on opening more locations to get more people in because more people equals more $$$. I highly advise anyone to research other recovery options because Brickhouse is not it. It s a shame

Robert Longshaw
3 months ago

Great team!

Sara Lords
3 months ago

Brick House was key in a good friends recovery- so grateful she had a place to go when she needed it! Three years sober today and she s doing amazing!

Response from the owner3 months ago
Thank you Sara, that is amazing, we love hearing about people who get their loved ones back, and grow with strong and supportive connections. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review.�
Jennifer Burns
3 months ago

Amy & Brick House Recovery Team-First off I wanted to let you know I m still sober and owe it all to you and your team at Brick House RecoveryIt's funny- I'm writing this email to you because the last 2 weeks have been some of the hardest I've had in the last year. When I was going through family health issues, and issues with my little 14-year old dog and the ICU vet, I remembered something you told me. Something you taught me.It was during the time I had a flood in my condo and I was struggling to pay out of pocket for the damages all while also paying for Brick House. And you reminded me saying "What a blessing you were able to receive compensation from your employer and you should see it at fortune, not negatively, but a blessing."I think of you often, and the things you taught me and the way you showed me how to look at things differently. To look at things as a blessing.The last two weeks on my hardest days, I kept remembering your wise words and I wanted to shoot you a note and tell you thank you.My experience and view on sobriety, sober living and life in general is different because of you and the Brick House team.Just wanted to shoot you a note and let you know you help me stay on the straight and narrow when I most want to give up or when things are hard, to see them in a different light.I hope you are well, and continuing the good work you and your team do.Thank you again, and remember, the work you do matters, and you have stayed on my mind over this past year.Cheers,

Response from the owner3 months ago
Jennifer, we are so proud of you sister. You have overcome so much and are such a miracle, I will pass this along to Amy, I am sure she will be happy to hear you are doing well. Thank you for taking the time to post this and for being so honest about your travels and where you are now.�
Logan Miller
3 months ago

Brick House Recovery is truly incredible! They gave me my life back and an opportunity to find Peace and Happiness again in this world! I will forever be grateful for them and their staff

Response from the owner3 months ago
Thank you so much Logan, we love you brother! so proud of you, your a rockstar.
Julie H
4 months ago

Our experience with Brick House has only been positive! During a difficult time in their life, a family member received the support needed from caring people to stay on her path of sobriety. Having traversed that hard road, that family member is returning the kindness and guidance to others at Brick House.

Response from the owner4 months ago
Amazing feedback! Thank you so much for this review.
Abbey Barney
4 months ago

Brickhouse is the BEST! The staff really does love and care about you! Give it a try and start your new way of life!

Response from the owner3 months ago
Thank you Abbey, that is so kind of you, we apricate it.�
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