Community Behavioral Health

Fresno, California

7171 North Cedar Avenue
Fresno, CA 93720

(559) 449-8000
3.2 (57 reviews)

About Community Behavioral Health

Community Behavioral Health (part of Community Medical Centers) offers community-based addiction and mental health treatment for individuals in Fresno, California. They also provide valuable community resources, including mental health services, case management, and family support services.

Treatment at Community Behavioral Health begins with a mental health assessment to screen for symptoms of addiction or co-occurring mental health disorders. Clients attend individual and group treatment sessions for improved coping skills, peer support, and recovery support. Sessions are held 3-4 days per week.

An assessment with the onsite psychiatrists can help to determine if a medication may be supportive in the rehabilitation process. This process includes an assessment, diagnosis, medication and treatment plan, and follow-up medication management appointments.

MediCal, private insurance, Covered California, and self-pay are accepted. Sliding-scale payment options are also available for people without insurance. You’ll want to check with your insurance provider to verify specific coverage details, including your out-of-network benefits.

Dollar icon Insurance & Financials

  • shield-quartered iconMedicaid
  • id-card iconPrivate insurance
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • money-check-dollar-pen iconFinancial aid
  • shield-quartered iconMedicare
  • id-badge iconMilitary insurance

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

bed-front iconInpatient

Residential treatment programs are those that offer housing and meals in addition to substance abuse treatment. Rehab facilities that offer residential treatment allow patients to focus solely on recovery, in an environment totally separate from their lives. Some rehab centers specialize in short-term residential treatment (a few days to a week or two), while others solely provide treatment on a long-term basis (several weeks to months). Some offer both, and tailor treatment to the patient's individual requirements.

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person-cane iconElderly program

ear iconHearing impaired program

user iconYoung adult program

Heart icon Treatment

file-medical iconMental Health

Mental health rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and more. Mental health professionals at these facilities are trained to understand and treat mental health issues, both in individual and group settings.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a form of therapy in which clients are encouraged to surface and work through subconscious issues by engaging in real-time experiences. Experiential therapy departs from traditional talk therapy by involving the body, and having clients engage in activities, movements, and physical and emotional expression. This can involve role-play or using props (which can include other people). Experiential therapy can help people process trauma, memories, and emotion quickly, deeply, and in a lasting fashion, leading to substantial and impactful healing.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is a way of getting nicotine into the bloodstream without smoking. It uses products that supply low doses of nicotine to help people stop smoking. The goal of therapy is to cut down on cravings for nicotine and ease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition therapy, aka medical nutrition therapy (MNT), is a way of treating physical, emotional, and medical conditions through diet. Specific dietary plans are designed by professional nutritionists or registered dietitians, and patients follow them in order to positively affect their physical and mental health.

Phone icon Contact

Phone icon (559) 449-8000
Building icon

7171 North Cedar Avenue
Fresno, CA 93720

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Edited by:
Kerry Nenn, BSW


3.2 (57 reviews)
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3.2 (57 reviews)
4 weeks ago

I was visiting Fresno from the other side of the country and was illegally taken here on a falsified police claim. The facility permanently destroyed my mental health through a combination of random injections. The impact permanently destroyed my life, along with every relationship in it.

Adz��n M '�� Tso
5 months ago

Some of the nurses try to helpful but the ones who aren't have serious control issues. And even when they are helpful, it's more of a grin and bear it situation. The doctors are condescending, judgemental and just don't listen. The psychiatrist I had was useless.To begin with, I have diabetes insipidus and have medication I need to take every six hours. They wouldn't give it to me for nearly a day; when they did, they got the dose wrong and tried to tell me I needed to take it every 8. NOPE. I knew exactly how much I had to take. I had to call my doctor and an advocate from my clinic to get them to give my meds on time.The nurses... I was being discharged, had signed the papers and everything. This nurse I had been having issues with since day 1 sees me across the hallway, comes over while I'm gathering my things and demanded I take HAIR TIE out. Lol, not only that but she wouldn't let me leave. The thing that gets me though is the other nurses telling me to let it go, it's a rough day for her and put my hair ties in my bag. I asked why they gave them to me in the first place and no answer. They are petty beyond belief. I wish I could describe the situation better as to say that the tension in the room was so strong during the interaction, I felt that the nurse was acting like more of patient and the others were wanting me to appease her. That is not what I came here for.The psychiatrist could not only care less about what I was going through, what he prescribed me was making me faint. I had even told him I had issues taking Venlafaxine in the past, they gave me heart palpitations and he still made me take it. So I stopped arguing and took it purely to get the heck out of there. The fact that they commented on my BP spiking and I didn't say anything because I was so desperate to leave and they never questioned it is a testimate to how negligent this facility is.And the 'doctor'. Within the first five minutes into our initial session, I was explaining that I was having extreme anxiety but at home I have emotional support animal- he cuts me off here with an immediate 'NO!'. So I don't continue my question. I don't know if he realized how awful he was being but he asks me to continue when he sees that I am crying (not just because he yelled at me but because I am realizing this man does not care enough to even let me finish a sentence) he asks me what I'm about to say.I told him I had brought a stuffed animal that would sometimes help to stroke. I wanted to know if I was allowed access to the toy. He says nothing. I got the stuffed animal the next day but an apology would have been appreciated more. I requested a new doctor.In the end I lied about my suicidal ideation and self-harm intentions because I was done. They let me out in less than four days.Also, they offer no activities. They have a couple 'classes' and check-ins but in between that, you'll pretty much only have TV. Unless you bring your own books and activies, there is nothing stimulating they offer. They will also deny you access to these things anyway on a whim. I was told by one nurse I could not have my books. She got off shift (this was also the hair tie nurse), I asked again, BOOM. I got my books, my crayons and was allowed to pull out my own person hygiene products. So the inconsistency in behavior and regulation is abhorrent in every sense of the word.It is also criminal that they didn't even let us have an hour outside per day (for reference, they give you more than that in prison). They purposely cut it sort by taking at least ten minutes to line us up, double check that the people lined up wanted to go outside, call out again and the march us out. Then they'd cut even more time by taking us in ten minutes early.All in all, I'd rather jump off a bridge than go here again. DO NOT SEND YOUR LOVED ONES HERE.

Response from the owner5 months ago
Dear Adzaan, We are sharing your feedback with our Patient & Family Relations Team to address your concerns with the department. If you'd like to discuss further, please call (559) 459-2273. Thank you.
darrelle Jaramillo
6 months ago

i just got out from a 9 days stay and i have to say the nursing staff and helper staff on unit 3 were some of the kindest ppl ever to me while i was in crisis . my psychiatrist drs were also very kind and helped me a lot . i couldnt thank them enough for the grace and kindness they showed me . they need recognition !!! thank you from the bottom of my heart

Response from the owner5 months ago
Thank you Darrelle for your kind review. It will be shared with management and staff at CBHC. We hope you are doing well.
Jake L
7 months ago

If you value the dignity and well being of your loved one in crisis, do everything in your power to avoid admittance to this abominable hospital . It s been many years since I was an inmate, but the night staff were by far some of the most bizarre, power-hungry, and thoroughly arrogant humans I ve ever had the displeasure of breathing the same oxygen with. They seemed to take pleasure in the suffering of the residents and it wasn t exactly covert either. I hope and pray that patient treatment has drastically improved or this blight on mental healthcare needs to be shut down.You didn t break me you freaks. Enjoy your own clear mental maladjustment. Predatory foxes running the henhouse! Got your number!

Sir Camps
9 months ago

Comes with hbo and They accept pizza donations !

Lynnea Hanson
9 months ago

I recently stayed at CBHC and I will say the day shift nurses and day staff were fantastic and really seemed to care and gave wonderful support to allow me to get better. I however had a few interactions with night shift nurses that made me feel like I was not being cared for or listened to. Then I went to see notes on my stay and read what the one nurse documented on our interaction and except she did not document her side of the interaction correctly she made me out like I was being difficult and demanding when all I wanted was the meds that I was prescribed by the Dr to help with the thoughts. I have had a few interactions with this nurse and she seems to treat most patients the same way and is quick to anger and treats patients like they are not worthy of care. I could even hear her talking about me with other staff making me sound like I was the problem. I told my Dr about the interaction with her and I told the therapist on my unit about her. I went there to get help and to not be alone with my suicidal thoughts at night and I felt like I didn't have that support from night shift nurses.

Response from the owner9 months ago
Hi Lynnea, We are very concerned about your experience and would like to speak with you. Can you please call our Patient Relations team at (559) 459-2273? Thank you.
11 months ago

Cheyenne Brumback
11 months ago

I have been to other psychiatric hospitals, and this visit was surely the worst experience I ve had. If their goal was to break me, they succeeded. I felt neglected, ignored when asking for help, left alone when clearly struggling, talked to like a child (e.g., was put in "timeout" or told I couldn t talk for 30 minutes), triggered by a thing that could've been prevented many times, consistently invalidated my feelings and they were unfortunately very short-staffed. Even some of the other patients came to me concerned about how they saw the staff treat me or even "how they looked at me". I believe I was discriminated against because of my diagnosis since it is already a stigmatized disorder. Thankfully, a therapist understood what was going on. She helped me get out by doing an AMA (against medical advice) after being there for 17 days. I came to realize that just because someone works at a mental health facility doesn t mean that they care about mental health. No one deserves to be treated like that, especially when all they want is help.

Response from the owner11 months ago
Hi Cheyenne, We'd like the opportunity to discuss this with you. Please reach out to use at (559) 459-2273. Thank you.
laura hanke
1 year ago

I'm very disappointed with this place, my daughter attempted suicide she was placed here from my understanding for 14 days to get the help she needed for short term and I was going to find a long-term plan for her , they where so quickly to place her to a shelter after 2 days of being there , when I went to take her back cause she was still suicidal, they staff where rude and made us wait as they assessed people that came after us . it's just said , no wonder y people comment suicide behavioral health systems are terrible

maria hernandez
1 year ago

the security are so rude and hate their job and life. Sad pieces of trash. Worst people i've dealt with. Fire those rude people!!!!!!!!!!

Response from the owner1 year ago
I'm sorry that you had a negative experience with us. I can assure you that we take your feedback seriously. If you'd like to share more details about your experience, please reach out to us at (559) 459-2273.
William Foster
1 year ago

Lost all hope and became deeply suicidal before I eventually found myself here. Somehow, someway this incredible facility did the impossible and made me more hopeless --- truly an act of God. I highly recommend this place for anyone struggling and/or desperate looking to: be treated like a wild animal, speak with condescending doctors who don't believe in mental illness; engage in numerous fun activities including (but not limited to): Getting yelled at by a psychiatrist because, "You're too unpredictable," having files mixed up before an evaluation and being told your mother has died, and getting a shot of benadryl in the arse because the staff made you cry. 10/10 would love to bulldoze this abomination of society!

1 year ago

It might be a good hospital. I plan to visit this place someday.

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