Adult Outpatient Services-Va Bch

Virginia Beach, Virginia

297 Independence Boulevard
Pembroke 6 Suite 126
Virginia Beach VA, 23462

(757) 385-0511

About Adult Outpatient Services-Va Bch

Virginia Beach’s Adult Outpatient Services serves men and women who need support for a behavioral health struggle or are seeking treatment for a substance use disorder or co-occurring diagnosis. You’ll have access to outpatient care and will be supported through a range of services including counseling, drug-specific recovery programs, and access to other community supports. Referrals can be made to more intensive support provided by local or regional inpatient or residential treatment programs. They’re located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

At Adult Outpatient Services, you’ll have access to medically trained professionals who will help you develop a treatment and recovery plan tailored to your unique needs. For some individuals, this may mean outpatient care that is supplemented by individual or group counseling sessions.

For others, including those who are experiencing a co-occurring diagnosis, treatment may require trauma-informed, family counseling, or other specialized counseling or therapy. Throughout the program, you’ll work closely with your care team to determine the best course of action.

Individuals who need immediate care can find help through this organization’s Crisis Emergency Services which are available round the clock. They accept insurance from leading providers, along with Medicaid and Medicare.

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

The goal of treatment for alcoholism is abstinence. Those with poor social support, poor motivation, or psychiatric disorders tend to relapse within a few years of treatment. For these people, success is measured by longer periods of abstinence, reduced use of alcohol, better health, and improved social functioning. Recovery and Maintenance are usually based on 12 step programs and AA meetings.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

When you enroll in drug rehab in Virginia, a treatment plan is designed by professional staff in order to help you overcome drug addiction and modify addictive behaviors. This may include evidence-based treatments, group and individual therapy, and relapse prevention.

head-side-medical iconDual Diagnosis

Many of those suffering from addiction also suffer from mental or emotional illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, or anxiety disorders. Rehab and other substance abuse facilities treating those with a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder administer psychiatric treatment to address the person's mental health issue in addition to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

file-medical iconSubstance Abuse

Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy.

Dollar icon Insurance & Financials

  • id-card iconPrivate Insurance
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • money-check-dollar-pen iconFinancial aid
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance
  • shield-quartered iconMedicare
  • id-badge iconMilitary insurance
  • shield-quartered iconMedicaid

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

user iconYoung adult program

capsules iconHIV/AIDS program

users-medical iconLGBTQ program

person-breastfeeding iconPostpartum program

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

car-building iconOutpatient

Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.

house-medical iconAftercare

Clients participating in a rehab aftercare program receive comprehensive and customized support as they leave high-intensity treatment, reintegrate into their community, and focus on maintaining their sobriety. These programs offer a wide variety of services to align with the client's unique and evolving needs, often including medical, mental health, and social service program referrals. Clients typically develop their drug rehab aftercare plan in conjunction with their case manager and care team.

house iconSober Living Homes

A sober living home in Vermont offers a balance between monitored structure and living in mainstream society. No alcohol or drugs are allowed on the premises, and residents must participate in 12-step meetings. Residents of the halfway house also agree to submit to random drug screenings, pay rent, and participate in household activities such as meetings, meals, and chores.

people-group iconIntervention Services

A drug intervention in Virginia requires careful planning and execution. Due to complex family dynamics, intervention services are often necessary to help families successfully navigate the process. An intervention specialist can help family members plan what they will say and then facilitate the conversation. This expert also educates everyone involved about addiction, enabling behaviors, and treatment options.

clipboard-medical iconMedically Assisted Detox

Drug and alcohol addiction often takes a heavy toll on one's body. Over time, a physical dependence can develop, meaning the body physiologically needs the substance to function. Detox is the process of removing drugs and/or alcohol from the body, a process that can be lethal if mismanaged. Medical detox is done by licensed medical professionals who monitor vital signs and keep you safe, healthy, and as comfortable as possible as you go through detox and withdrawal.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy in Virginia is a short term form of talk therapy. Participants usually have homework between sessions, which may include journaling, self talk, and setting SMART goals. The aim is to transform negative thought patterns into positive ones.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

For those experiencing mental health challenges, including substance use disorder, dialectical behavior therapy in Virginia offers an evidence based method of treatment. This therapy teaches skills for emotional regulation and interpersonal relations so you can break free from negative patterns.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

Men and women in Virginia use individual therapy to focus on addiction related challenges as a necessary part of their drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Your therapist guides you in developing coping strategies, setting realistic goals, and building a strong foundation for an improved quality of life.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing in Virginia allows clients to examine their lives and consider their options. It is particularly useful if the client lacks confidence in their ability to change or is feeling uncertain about their desire to change.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client's past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. Trauma is often one of the primary triggers and potential causes of addiction, and can stem from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, having a parent with a mental illness, losing one or both parents at a young age, teenage or adult sexual assault, or any number of other factors. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

Couples Therapy

If you and your partner are facing challenges, couples therapy in Virginia is designed to help you work through those in a healthy way. Common challenges that couples therapy addresses include conflict resolution, financial disagreements, intimacy challenges, health issues, and substance abuse.

Family Therapy

Family therapists work with all members of the family to understand the roles they play in the addiction dynamic. Addressing these patterns is crucial to developing healthier ways to interact and support each other, as well as contributing to a more effective recovery for their loved ones.

Phone icon Contact

Building icon

297 Independence Boulevard
Pembroke 6 Suite 126
Virginia Beach VA, 23462

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Fact checked and written by:
Nadia El-Yaouti, M.Ed.
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD


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Overall Experience
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Major favoritism is played among staff and the patients they have. Some even play mind games in order to remove you off of the medication that's been working well for you, why?

Reviewed on 2/4/2019
Overall Experience
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2.4 (7 reviews)
Laronda Laronda
2 years ago

I have no trust for the city of Virginia Beach adult out patient care. They are quick to put a person on mental medication. After i reported my neighbor's and management & law enforcement a few time's over the last year. About why i fear for my life and Saftey. Instead of the city of Virginia Beach getting down to the root of the problem of why i fear for my life and safety where i reside at for the last past year. They want to put me on meds to help me cope better with the unwanted harassment & bullying from my neighbor's, management & maintenance man. And not getting the right help from the Virginia Beach police. How would they feel if they were in the targeted victim's shoes? My apartment unit is kept under surveillance by my neighbor's and apartment complex maintenance, day and night. Waiting for me to come outside of my unit. So the tenant's can stalk and follow me around on the property with there dog's. To make direct contact with me.with there dog's to strike fear in me for exsposing them for stealing my mail and packages. I live alone in my unit. I have no family or friends in the city of Virginia Beach area. They think i'm a easy target without the wisdom & knowledge of knowing how to stand up and fight for my Civil Rights! I'm just another satistic mentally ill black woman with no rights! This has interfered in my livelihood. I moved from Washington State hoping that i would have a better happy safe life and future. But i see corruptions everywhere!

Jasmine McKean
3 years ago

My therapist laughed at me and told me I ve been doing this for 20 years so I know better than you when she couldn t even recognize I was having a panic attack. Absolutely terrible therapy services. It s definitely worth the trouble to call your insurance and find a private practice that s covered.

Michael Nason
5 years ago

Been going here 10 + years and have never had a problem

Mz Feisty
6 years ago

Employees are gossiping busybodies and backstabbers who also make fun of patients. Major favouritism is played here as well, because certain ones there are bigoted. While mistreating and targeting the ones that they want to use as their own whipping boy for their d..n pleasure to abuse. Like my nurse practitioners Lynn and Ashley. And if you report them, it will make things 1000 times worse.This can include lying or omitting information on your charts (or should I say, really make a master demon out of your instead of just a basic one). Forcing you to do these piss tests (this pertains to patients who only come for med management). Making you sign optional paperwork under duress (Such as your PCP Contact/Release Permission Letter etc.). The penalty for not complying with the optional above mentioned, with certain ones who like to abuse their authority, is that they will refuse to write your prescriptions for your medications that are improving your quality of life.Certain ones also will play mind games in order to remove you off of medication that's been working well for you. For made up concerns. Example: If they cant prove you as a junkie, then they'll use your age (even if your nowhere near senior citizen status...smh). They have you take blood tests (another optional for med management only), if that comes back fine. Then its the doctor clearance (another optional under duress). Then it's something else, over again. If that appt happens to be later than your next appt. with them. Then comes the refusal to prescribe your medication. Cutting you off cold turkey, regardless as well, if your other meds have been recently tweaked.Even pain doctors knows to taper you off of controlled medications, instead of being that anal. But these people will do this to you cold turkey. Even after being on for years. This is all done out of spite and hatred, and for the sole purpose of demonizing your record to be d..m.d. As well as destroying your quality of life and livelihood, when they are being paid a salary to keep it improved and stable. Certain people there all 100% evil and 1000% straight outta Hades. They are also sick, twisted, and/or in dire need of mental help as well as a tag team of Exorcists, their d..n.d selves. Much more, unfit to help anyone else.With all of this said, and I know it's quite a bit people, if you need help, and have health insurance plans or can pay for your care, even if it's just a bit of a struggle. You'd be better off going somewhere else. It's really not worth the stress and pain of dealing with these fools in this place. And the top is no better than the bottom, because they are all on the SAME SIDE AND HAVE EACH OTHERS BACK, EVEN IF THEY ARE 100% wrong. Because of the manipulation and gossiping that takes place with about 90% of them. They will act that they care when they're talking to you. But it won't be long into the conversation when you can pick up on their condescending and patronizing tone. While siding with the very one you are reporting by using her talking points that are filled with lies and spite (example: The one I dealt with kept on talking about the possibility of me getting a heart attack and dropping dead on my med that I've been taking for years. I'VE NEVER HAD ANY HEART PROBLEMS!!! A CITY MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY WITH WORKERS THERE SPEAKING ON THIS LEVEL OF NEGATIVITY!!! WOW!!! All just to stoop so low, in order to snatch away my improving livelihood out of PURE EVIL AND SPITE!!!)Trust me, people, I have absolutely no reason to lie. If you come here, and your last condition, may be worse than your first. It may also take lawyers, a miracle and an excellent mental health service or persons, WHO REALLY CARE, to help try to get you restored.That's even a big IF you want to even trust anyone else at all. Which is exactly where I'm at. So be warned. Take it from me, who's been going here for over 20 years, when Pembroke 6, was in Pembroke 3. Only for me now to now have to start over some place else to get re-established at THIS time...SMDH

6 years ago

Carolyn Wilkins
7 years ago

Becka Hermelin
8 years ago

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