Atlanta Recovery Place

Dunwoody, Georgia

1742 Mt Vernon Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338

(866) 447-9029
4.9 (61 reviews)

About Atlanta Recovery Place

Atlanta Recovery Place, located in Atlanta, Georgia is a private alcohol and drug rehab that offers treatment for a variety of substance abuse addictions. They offer supervised medical treatment to safely manage withdrawal symptoms during detoxification, residential care providing long term support for addiction recovery, as well as flexible outpatient addiction therapy allowing patients to live at home while receiving regular treatment. Additional levels of care offered include partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and recovery housing.

Specialty rehab programs at Atlanta Recovery Place include tailored care focusing on women's specific needs and experiences, gender-specific addiction treatment addressing unique challenges faced by men, and inclusive treatment respecting diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Patients at Atlanta Recovery Place will find the residential setting creates an immersive environment promoting full engagement in recovery away from daily triggers and the private rooms that give personal space for reflection and undisturbed rest during treatment.

Atlanta Recovery Place has received accreditations from LegitScript and The Joint Commission.

Dollar icon Payment Options

  • shield-cross iconPrivate insurance
  • self-pay iconSelf-pay options

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

outpatient iconOutpatient

Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.

inpatient iconInpatient

intensive-outpatient iconIntensive Outpatient

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) are for those who want or need a very structured treatment program but who also wish to live at home and continue with certain responsibilities (such as work or school). IOP substance abuse treatment programs vary in duration and intensity, and certain outpatient rehab centers will offer individualized treatment programs.

sober-living iconSober Living Homes

Sober Living Houses (SLHs), aka sober homes or halfway houses, are safe, substance-free, supportive living facilities for those recovering from substance abuse. Ideal for those who've just been through inpatient or outpatient treatment, SLHs are supervised environments with rules that support sobriety, such as curfews, shared chores, and therapeutic meetings. Residents are also often trained on life skills and coping skills to make it easier to transition into society. SLHs also provide a strong sense of community that can lead to the kind of deep and lasting connections with other sober individuals that supports a new, healthy lifestyle.

partial-hospitalization iconPartial Hospitalization Program

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a short-term form of intensive rehab, usually for those with acute symptoms that are hard to manage but don’t require 24-hour care. PHPs have structured programming (i.e. individual and/or group therapy), and usually meet 3-5 days a week for around 6 hours (i.e. 9am-3m). Some PHPs are residential (patients sleep on site) and some are not, so patients sleep at home. PHPs can last from 1-6 months, and some offer transportation and meals.

24-hour icon24-Hour Clinical Care

24-hour clinical care in Georgia reduces the risks involved in detox and addiction treatment. Without access to professional medical care, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms that become life threatening. For example, alcohol withdrawal can cause delirium tremens, confusion, and cardiac symptoms. Without medical supervision to step in, these symptoms could potentially turn fatal.

medically-assisted-detox iconMedically Assisted Detox

Medical detox is the process of ridding the body of addictive substances in a medically supervised setting. If you become chemically dependent on a substance like alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines (like Xanax or Ativan), quitting abruptly can cause uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects. Licensed medical professionals ensure the process goes as safely and comfortably as possible while monitoring you 24/7 and administering any required medications,

User icon Programs

men iconProgram for men

women iconProgram for women

lgbtq iconLGBTQ program

House check icon Settings & Amenities

  • home-setting iconResidential setting
  • private-room iconPrivate rooms

Shield icon Insurance

Our Policy: Atlanta Recovery Place works with several private insurance providers and also accepts private payments when possible, please contact us to verify your specific insurance provider.

Heart icon Treatment

substance-abuse iconSubstance Abuse

Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

inpatient-file iconCognitive Behavioral Therapy

While cognitive behavioral therapy in Georgia is unique for each person, this therapy follows a standard structure that has proven effective. Clients first learn about their substance use disorder, then learn and practice techniques such as coping, stress management, and resilience to change their thought and behavior patterns.

dialectical iconDialectical Behavior Therapy

While each person is unique, the typical length for dialectical behavior therapy is six months to a year. You'll attend weekly hour long individual sessions with your therapist, as well as weekly group sessions. Homework between sessions often includes keeping a diary to track your emotions and behaviors. Your therapist uses this diary to guide the focus of each session.

intervention iconGroup Therapy

People in Georgia find that group therapy offers a place to share responsibility for each other's recovery. This helps foster a collective commitment to sobriety, which increases your potential for success and creates a network of mutual support that often follows into personal friendships.

mental-health iconIndividual Therapy

Men and women in Georgia may experience Motivational Interviewing techniques while undergoing individual therapy for drug and alcohol addiction treatment. This approach helps you explore how you feel about drug use and it strengthens your commitment to maintaining treatment. It is particularly useful in the early stages of recovery.

desert iconMotivational Interviewing

During rehab in Georgia, you may engage in motivational interviewing. This typically lasts one to two sessions and is designed to address any ambivalence you have toward change. It helps you explore your current situation and motivations and commit to making changes for the future.

house-medical iconTrauma Therapy

In trauma therapy, you address the emotional and psychological effects of traumatic events in your life. Your therapist provides you with the tools you need to process those memories and reduce the symptoms. This helps improve your overall mental health and functioning.

couples-therapy iconCouples Therapy

The skills you learn in couples therapy are designed to help you successfully address relationship challenges as they arise. These skills can include anger management, conflict resolution, communication, and problem solving.

family iconFamily Therapy

During family therapy sessions in Georgia, members address the emotional toll that addiction has had on them. Therapists help your family develop coping strategies and improve the family unit's communication. This provides a stable environment that supports the recovery process.

life-skills iconLife Skills

Many life skills involve coping with emotions and stress. Others involve completing tasks that allow you to live independently. Examples include finding a job, managing finances, and nutrition. During rehab in Georgia, you'll work on any skills that are lacking to ensure you have the tools for success post treatment.

Check icon Accreditations

LegitScript Certified

LegitScript has reviewed Atlanta Recovery Place as part of their certification program, and has determined that it meets the LegitScript standards for legality, safety and transparency.

LegitScript verified in December 2020

Joint Commission

The Joint Commission, formerly known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehab organizations and programs. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commision's mission is to improve the quality of patient care and demonstrating the quality of patient care.

Joint Commission Accreditation: Yes

Phone icon Contact

Phone icon (866) 447-9029
Building icon

1742 Mt Vernon Rd
Dunwoody, GA 30338

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Fact checked and written by:
Miakayla Leaverson, BS


4.9 (61 reviews)
Accomodations & Amenities
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Google Rating

4.9 (61 reviews)
Carob The cat
4 months ago

Nah...these guys are off. First of all it's a sponsored number, so they are not only rude (I got hung up on my first call) they are likely NOT who you may have been trying to reach. Practice/program seems vague and discriminatory in tone. Not giving Mental Health CARE. Wierd vibes. Buyer beware.

Tessa Shlaer
6 months ago

This place is lovely. They are excellent at working with your insurance and helping you to get the most out your time in treatment. The staff are very warm and supportive and do everything they can to make life easier for you while you are there. Really, this place provides quality of care way above and beyond the norm for this level of care, while allowing you both great freedom and supportive structure. If you are looking for a place that feels like home (only probably more stable), this is the place for you. They always make sure you have transportation available, which is great for people who don t have cars. They let you work and build community and they don t give up on people easily. The location is great, the housing is great, and the staff are amazing. The maximum stay is six months although I guess they make exceptions. They have alumni activities and you are always welcome to return once you graduate.Five stars. And believe me, I know my treatment centers.

Michaela Keel
6 months ago

Very friendly and seem to really care about my recovery!

Carolanne Dries
6 months ago

Our son is 75 days sober thanks to ARP. The environment is so nurturing and the people are top-notch professionals. I can t image a better rehab for our son.

Anna Sullivan
7 months ago

ARP was such a help in my recovery. I really recommend this place to anyone struggling and feeling lost in what to do next to get out of a tough place. The staff is amazing and always there for their clients.

Cortney KNIGHT
7 months ago

Holly Muirhead
7 months ago

ARP is great! Jeff, Devin, and Ryann are dedicated to their clients and the recovery community at large. They work tirelessly and go above and beyond to connect clients with resources and the care they deserve. Addiction is a dark road but the staff at ARP offer a light and a way out. I am thankful this resource is available for the metro Atlanta area. My interactions with the staff are warm and welcoming. I would offer referrals to this facility with no hesitation.

Marcia Smith
10 months ago

ARP does amazing things for the recovery community, does things differently than anywhere else and goes above and beyond to help people get sober. Ryann, Devin, and Jeff are a superb team!! They are going to be opening a detox portion as well and that will definitely be awesome for clients who need that service. If you know someone needing help, detox, getting sober and recovery this place must be your choice!!

1 year ago

Holly Gallagher
1 year ago

Justin Gallagher
1 year ago

Atlanta Recovery helped a very dear friend of ours. They seem to go above and beyond to help the recovery community. We have seen the results a beautiful life saved. We couldn t be more grateful for ARP!

Matthew Mingus
1 year ago

This place is an excellent environment for people struggling with addiction to get sober and stay sober. Had the opportunity to spend a morning here and speak. Seems like a very loving and comfortable environment. If you or someone you know is struggling in the Atlanta area this place surely could help save a life. Thanks ARP!

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