Heartland of Clarksburg

100 Parkway Drive
Clarksburg, WV 26301

About Heartland of Clarksburg

Heartland of Clarksburg, located in Clarksburg, West Virginia is a private alcohol and drug rehab that offers treatment for a variety of substance abuse addictions including co-occurring mental health disorders.

Specialty rehab programs at Heartland of Clarksburg include tailored care focusing on women's specific needs and experiences.


Addiction Treatments


Mental health rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and more. Mental health professionals at these facilities are trained to understand and treat mental health issues, both in individual and group settings.


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Program For Women
Rehabs for women provide a safe, nurturing space for female clients to heal. These treatment programs consider the specific obstacles that women can face during recovery and place a special emphasis on mental, social, physical, and reproductive health. They explore how each woman's experience has shaped the trajectory of their substance use, addressing issues such as sexual abuse and past trauma.
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Young Adult Program
Young adulthood can be an exciting, yet difficult, time of transition. Individuals in their late teens to mid-20s face unique stressors related to school, jobs, families, and social circles, which can lead to a rise in substance use. Rehab centers with dedicated young adult programs will include activities and amenities that cater to this age group, with an emphasis on specialized counseling, peer socialization, and ongoing aftercare.

Clinical Services

Whether a marriage or other committed relationship, an intimate partnership is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. Drug and alcohol addiction affects both members of a couple in deep and meaningful ways, as does rehab and recovery. Couples therapy and other couples-focused treatment programs are significant parts of exploring triggers of addiction, as well as learning how to build healthy patterns to support ongoing sobriety.

Contact Information

Phone icon (304) 624-6401
Building icon

100 Parkway Drive
Clarksburg, WV 26301


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