
2110 N Park Rd Connersville, IN 47331

About Groups

Groups, located in Connersville, Indiana is a private alcohol and drug rehab that offers treatment for a variety of substance abuse addictions including opiate addiction. They offer flexible outpatient addiction therapy allowing patients to live at home while receiving regular treatment.

Specialty rehab programs at Groups include tailored care focusing on women's specific needs and experiences and gender-specific addiction treatment addressing unique challenges faced by men.

Latest Reviews

Reviewed on 02/20/2019
They didn't want to give me the medication I needed after a variety of counselors I had before didn't have any problem with me taking it.
Reviewed on 10/04/2018
Honestly, if anyone has anything bad to say about groups, you're just mad cause you don't get 60 to 120 pills at a time, actually being held accountable for your meds, your count, the hour or hours you put into groups.... i live by groups. All the staff is super ASHLEY RAIDER
Reviewed on 07/03/2018
I was a patient for over a year. Had to get admitted to the hospital and Aaron Cox decided my paperwork was not good enough and would not call in 3 days worth of medicine since it was July 4th the next day and I have been without medicine. Even though I have all clean drug screens this year he didn't care enough about his "patient" to give me any help when I had been in the hospital and had all my documentation. This place is a joke. I ended all my care with this "Groups" facility due to their lack of actual care. I would not recommend this care facility for anyone. It's a complete joke. They also got approved to take Indiana HIP insurance two months ago and yet still are making HIP insurance holders pay $65 every week. They only care if you're paying them money and not about their actual patients sobriety success. icon

Rehab Score

Question iconOur Methodology
Scoring is assigned by a proprietary system which helps surface key metrics that determine quality. The 10-point scale factors in categories such as operations, customer satisfaction, and trust metrics. Read Full MethodologyCaret icon
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6 / 10

Other Forms of Payment

Self-pay involves paying for treatment out of your own pocket. You can use savings or credit, get a personal loan, or receive help from family and friends to fund your treatment. If you don't have insurance or your insurance plan doesn't cover a specific program, self-pay can help ensure you still get the care you need.

Addiction Treatments

Levels of Care

outpatient iconOutpatient
Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.


Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy.


adult-program thumbnail image
Adult Program
Adult rehab programs include therapies tailored to each client's specific needs, goals, and recovery progress. They are tailored to the specific challenges adult clients may face, including family and work pressures and commitments. From inpatient and residential treatment to various levels of outpatient services, there are many options available. Some facilities also help adults work through co-occurring conditions, like anxiety, that can accompany addiction.

Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy modality that focuses on the relationship between one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is used to establish and allow for healthy responses to thoughts and feelings (instead of unhealthy responses, like using drugs or alcohol). CBT has been proven effective for recovering addicts of all kinds, and is used to strengthen a patient's own self-awareness and ability to self-regulate. CBT allows individuals to monitor their own emotional state, become more adept at communicating with others, and manage stress without needing to engage in substance abuse.

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.


  • private iconPrivate Setting

Contact Information

Phone icon (800) 683-8313
Building icon

2110 N Park Rd
Connersville, IN 47331

Reviews of Groups

3/5 (4 reviews)



They didn't want to give me the medication I needed after a variety of counselors I had before didn't have any problem with me taking it.

Reviewed on 2/20/2019

Honestly, if anyone has anything bad to say about groups, you're just mad cause you don't get 60 to 120 pills at a time, actually being held accountable for your meds, your count, the hour or hours you put into groups.... i live by groups. All the staff is super wonderful. ... Read More

Reviewed on 10/4/2018

I was a patient for over a year. Had to get admitted to the hospital and Aaron Cox decided my paperwork was not good enough and would not call in 3 days worth of medicine since it was July 4th the next day and I have been without medicine. Even though I have all clean drug s ... Read More

Reviewed on 7/3/2018
Overall Experience
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