About Jovenes Queens AA – Alcoholicos Anonimos
Jovenes Queens AA - Alcoholicos Anonimos was founded in 1977. It’s part of the Alcoholics Anonymous network. This chapter is based in Queens, New York. They provide local resources and peer support groups for young people who suffer from alcohol abuse. As you can tell by the group’s name and their website, all the meetings are primarily in Spanish.
In this program you’ll participate in AA’s traditional 12 Step program. This includes book discussions, talking in open forums and getting to know your peers. You’ll be in a better shape to recover together by sharing experiences and listening to how others handle the pressures of alcoholism. Each meeting has a different topic, and many are faith based. That is, you’ll lean on religion to help you get through your addiction. You can also connect with other social services such as food stamps or schooling as needed.
They’re open 365 days a year. They have meetings scheduled for every week, but some meetings are open to the public or are for women only. You can join one group or many, depending on how comfortable you are. Please check the website’s calendar for details on all upcoming events.
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Addiction Treatments
Levels of Care
The goal of treatment for alcoholism is abstinence. Those with poor social support, poor motivation, or psychiatric disorders tend to relapse within a few years of treatment. For these people, success is measured by longer periods of abstinence, reduced use of alcohol, better health, and improved social functioning. Recovery and Maintenance are usually based on 12 step programs and AA meetings.
When you choose drug rehab in New York, you'll participate in a variety of treatments that are designed to help you live a drug-free lifestyle. Common methods of treatment include group, individual, and family counseling, medication management, nutrition, exercise, and management of co-occurring mental health disorders.
Substance rehabs focus on helping individuals recover from substance abuse, including alcohol and drug addiction (both illegal and prescription drugs). They often include the opportunity to engage in both individual as well as group therapy.
Clinical Services
Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.
Contact Information
10208 Northern Boulevard
Queens, NY 11368