DUI Evaluations

Marietta, Georgia

1619 Twin Courts Ln SW
Marietta, GA 30008

(800) 683-7745

About DUI Evaluations

At AACS Atlanta, we specialize in providing professional DUI evaluations to help individuals navigate the legal requirements following a DUI offense. Our certified counselors offer thorough, confidential assessments designed to meet court and Department of Driver Services (DDS) standards. We are committed to supporting our clients with personalized care, ensuring they receive the guidance and resources they need to complete their requirements and move forward. With years of experience and a compassionate approach, AACS Atlanta is your trusted partner for DUI evaluations in Atlanta.

Dollar icon Payment Options

  • self-pay iconSelf-pay options
  • shield-cross iconPrivate insurance
  • medicaid iconMedicaid

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

outpatient iconOutpatient

Outpatient rehab enables clients to receive addiction treatment while continuing to work and reside at home. Many programs offer evening, night, and weekend services so that clients may receive treatment on their own schedule. Outpatient treatment modalities typically include addiction counseling, recovery-focused life skills training, and/or medication assisted treatment (MAT). Many programs also provide step-down care, including partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP), and standard outpatient services, to align with clients' evolving needs.

inpatient iconInpatient

Inpatient rehabs feature intensive clinical supervision and a highly structured and supportive environment, meaning they are especially well suited for clients in early recovery and those at risk of relapse. Clients reside at the treatment facility and engage in various therapeutic sessions throughout the day, including addiction counseling and recovery-focused life skills training. Many programs also offer evidence-based complementary therapies, such as meditation and massage.

24-hour icon24-Hour Clinical Care

24-hour clinical care in Georgia reduces the risks involved in detox and addiction treatment. Without access to professional medical care, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms that become life threatening. For example, alcohol withdrawal can cause delirium tremens, confusion, and cardiac symptoms. Without medical supervision to step in, these symptoms could potentially turn fatal.

User icon Programs

adult-program iconAdult program

young-adult iconYoung adult program

women iconProgram for women

men iconProgram for men

check iconAdolescence program

Heart icon Treatment

alcohol iconAlcoholism

Alcoholism is a pattern of alcohol use that involves continued drinking even when it causes problems. Alcoholism is also characterized by a physical dependence on alcohol, which causes the body to experience withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is not present. Due to this physical dependence, medically-supervised detox is often necessary to safely recover from alcoholism. Alcohol rehab in Georgia offers a three-step process of detox, rehab, and maintenance to help individuals recover from alcohol addiction.

drugs iconDrug Addiction

A quality drug rehab in Georgia can help you overcome addiction. This environment is designed to help you address the complex issues contributing to drug dependence. The goal of treatment is to give you the tools you need to make a full recovery.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

intervention iconGroup Therapy

People in Georgia find that group therapy offers a place to share responsibility for each other's recovery. This helps foster a collective commitment to sobriety, which increases your potential for success and creates a network of mutual support that often follows into personal friendships.

family iconFamily Therapy

During family therapy sessions in Georgia, members address the emotional toll that addiction has had on them. Therapists help your family develop coping strategies and improve the family unit's communication. This provides a stable environment that supports the recovery process.

Phone icon Contact

Phone icon (800) 683-7745
Building icon

1619 Twin Courts Ln SW
Marietta, GA 30008

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