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What to Look for in an Addiction Treatment Facility

Whether you’re struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, there are a number of factors to consider when seeking treatment. Finding the right drug or alcohol rehab is a highly personal decision, and the best treatment facility for others may not be the right choice for you.

The most important factor to consider is what level of care you need for your particular situation. Inpatient rehabs are full-time, residential programs that offer around-the-clock care and are an ideal choice for individuals that need a medically assisted detox or are struggling with difficult substance abuse problems. However, outpatient or intensive outpatient (IOP) clinics can be a more practical alternative if pressed for time. Behavioral counseling and support groups like AA and NA are also great options for those seeking evidence-based therapies that can be balanced with everyday life.

Finding the Right Rehab for You

Beyond finding the right level of care, it’s important to note that not all rehabs specialize in treating the same substance use disorders. Some facilities specialize in alcoholism, while others may focus only on opiate addiction and detoxification. In addition, some programs are only open to specific groups, such as women, men, teens, LGBTQ, or veterans.

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